Saturday, March 28, 2015

what's cooking

Hello readers! I've been away from this blog for about three weeks, and today I'm coming clean about why:

I've been working hard on the framework for a creative consulting business called Arboretum Creative, through which I plan to coach creative entrepreneurs on how to make money from their art without selling their souls. I am so excited to do this and help some of you with the operations and marketing of your creative businesses. I want to create some free products to give you more information about the creative arts marketplace, but to do that I need to know what you struggle with!

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As you may have noticed, I have also removed all of the ads from this blog. I've realized that monetizing my blog in that way is not for me, so I have replaced them with a Donate button from PayPal, where you can donate a dollar or two to help support me in the writing of this blog! Time costs money and art costs time, and this is just one of the concepts that I will be covering in my consultation packages.

If this is something you are interested in, sign up here for email updates on progress and products as I start chasing my calling!

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