MRS Degree Archive

Looking for old content or just browsing for a little marriage advice? Here's a few links to my favorite posts from the old blog.

The Biggest News - the pregnancy announcement.

Starter Advice - advice for a newlywed or newly-engaged reader.

How to Respond to "23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged" - how to tactfully defend your decision to marry young.

Tearing Down the House - when comparison steals your joy.

God's Gift to Men - how to be a blessing to your husband.

Spaghetti and Waffles - how your brain differs from your husband's.

Unrealistic Expectations - when your hopes of a perfect marriage are squished by reality.

Vows - Our wedding vows and a series dissecting the meaning behind the traditional words.
To Have and To Hold
For Better, For Worse
For Richer, For Poorer (pt 1, pt 2)
In Sickness and in Health

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