Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bear Tattoo

I've done it. I got my first tattoo.

I went to Cutty Bage at Speakeasy Tattoo in Boone, NC with the idea I've had for almost three years: a mama bear holding a baby bear, feminine but not girly, and with some floral element.

She absolutely knocked it out of the park.

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo as a mom, do it. Your pain tolerance from childbirth plus the everyday bumps and bruises of motherhood will carry you through it. It hurt for sure, but I was absolutely able to use the breathing techniques I had learned for childbirth and the following medical problems.

I love my tattoo, and will be going back to the same artist for more as I move through my life and find new ideas that are just as meaningful as this design has been to me for the past few years.

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